petek, 17. oktober 2014

Cosnova beauty bloggers event 2014

Hello lovelies :)
My oh my, was the 15th October a day to remember for both of us. It all started more than a month ago, when we got a perticular mail. As soon as we read it, we jumped into the air screaming: »We are invited to the Essence & Catrice event!!!!!!« Let's just say the state we were in at the time was euphoric at the least. The next month was probably the longest month in our life and the questions that were raised during that time made the waiting period even more unbearable. What will it be like? Who else is invited? How will we get there? Will we even have time to attend? And the most important question of all: What will we wear?

The day finally came and we met up with a fellow blogger, Tamara. Together we went to meet up with others, that were having coffee together near the place where the event was held. Soon we were a big group of girls, happily chatting and walking towards our destination. We were at the Ljubljana castle in no time and were heading inside, as the event was just about to begin. Everybody was already waiting inside, greeting each and everyone of us with a smile and a hand shake. We walked into the room, full of makeup, food and little blue sparkles of light at the floor. Can it get any better? We wandered around the room, taking pictures of the make up while sipping refreshing smoothies. Soon the presentation began. They talked about the main motive behind the company, which is great quality for low price , some upcoming collections and showed us some videos.

After the presentation was over they told us that we can take up to ten products with us. We were like children in a toy store! Each of us got her own bag to fill with some goodies and soon we were swatching and looking at every product that came under our fingers. After we each got what we were after, some of the girls had their nails done, while others were  drinking coffee and chatting. The event ended and we were slowly heading out, where another surprise avaited. Everybody was shaking our hands, wishing us great day and thanking us and after that we all got two more bags, filled up with more goodies! Oh my, the day just could not get any better! After that some of us decided to grab another cup of coffee, where we were checking what we got. Soon we were on our way home, happy as ever.

We would both like to thank Cosnova and their Slovenian PR manager Natalija for inviting us. It was a really nice event and we feel really lucky and happy to be a part of it.

7 komentarjev:

  1. Punce, lepo, da smo se spoznale in upam, da kdaj ponovimo.

    P.S. Podjetje je Cosnova. ;)

  2. Damn pa še prov gledala sm da nebi napake naredla :P lol bomo popravl, hvala :)

    Enako, upam da bomo v prihodnje lohka še kšno besedico več rekle :D

  3. Tatjana super te je bilo končno spoznat :D Pa upam da se kmalu še kje vidimo :D

  4. Izgleda da ste se imele super! :)
    Upam da tudi meni kdaj uspe priti na to in vas spoznati ;)

  5. M: Nikoli ne veš kdaj se srečamo in se spoznamo :)

  6. SUPER je bilo! :D Drugo leto spet? :D

  7. Bi bili obe zlo veseli če bi se drugo leto spet vidle :D
