Hey lovelies,
I saw this fun tag today on Youtube on Samantha Schuerman channel so here we are doing this awesome tag :D
My (Ajda) answers will be in blue color and Tjaša will write the answers in purple :)
1. Do you keep up with the Kardashians?
I did for some time, but then i just forgot about the show. It's fun to watch, but I cant stand Kim, sorry to all Kim Kardashian fans :D
Not really, I do not like these gals to be honest and I do not like "reallity" shows in general.
2. If you could have an old muscle car which one would you choose?
If I must choose an OLD muscle car it would be a 1969 Chevy Camaro.
1970 Boss 302 Mustang :) I am all about Mustangs (horses & cars)
3. Do you curse like a sailor when the camera isn't rolling?
Oh yes, I know it's bad but i can't help myself :/
All the time... I am a walking dictionary of curse words :D
4. If your significant other gave you a 'Hall Pass' who would you use it on? Be
To be honest, I don't find other guys attractive (boyfriend only :)) but if I have to chose a guy it would be Jamie Bamber. But if I use my Hall pass on a girl it would be Scarlett Johansson and Margot Robbie...yep they are hot!! :$
No I would not. At first I thought I would use it on Robert Downey Jr., but then I was like "Meh, he is not worth it..."
5. What is one thing you do that you hate to admit?
I say ''what the hell'' or ''what the fu*k'' a lot, but I don't even realise that :S
Nothing really, I am just the way I am... why would I hate to admit anything about me ...
6. Do you really brush your teeth in the morning and at night? Be honest.
Always in the morning, but sometimes I feel to lazy to brush them in the evening, but that rarely happens.
I always brush them in the evening and sometimes in the morning.
7. What is your go-to drink at Starbucks?
We don't have Starbucks here, but it would probably be something with white chocolate and coffee.
We do not have Starbucks, but I would probably choose some type of coffee with caramel (yum).
8. Is your current hair color your real hair color?
Nope, i'm dying my hair red.
No, I had red hair for a while and now I have black hair. My natural hair colour is really dark brown.
9. If you could swap bodies with someone, who would it be and why?
I don't really know :$
I can not think of anybody... maybe Marilyn Monroe.
10. Have you read Fifty Shades of Grey? If so, what did you think?
Oh yes I did, twice, I know most of the people hate it but I loved it. I read the first book in 3 and a half hours :D
I read the first half of the first book just so I could see what the hype is all about. I can see the hype behind it, but to be honest it is crappily written, there is no good story and I did not like the writing style.
11. Do you crack your knuckles?
They don't want to crack...well my middle fingers sometimes but not a lot.
All the time, if I do not do it my fingers start to hurt...
12. Have you accidentally text messaged someone something you were suppose to
be sending to your special someone?
Many times!
Many times and I always get the funniest responses :P
13. Have you ever created a fake profile to creep on someone?
No I haven't and I am not planing to.
Nope :)
14. Which is your weakness- cookies or pastries?
Both :$
I love cookies more.
15. What do you love about yourself?
I love my nails, hair and boobs haha :D
My hair is freaking awesome :P also my eyebrows, eyes and my glasses (yes my glasses are a part of me :P)
16. Do you have to match your nail polish to your toe nail polish?
Never did an probably never will.
I usually make sure they are as different as they can be :P
17. Tell us a few things about you that people would be surprised to know about
I am obssesed with cars, speed, makeup, nails, and internet hhaha
I am a video game junkie, used to play ice hockey for 13 years, love to read, physics and tattoos.
18. Heels or flats?
Flats :)
19. If you could do anything for one day and money wasn't an option, how would
you spend your day? Dream big.
I would buy a house with huge garage, every single car in the world that me and my boyfriend want, start a company for him, open my smal nail salon and bought everything else that we would like...oh and put tons of money on our bank accounts :P
I would build a big house with a big garden and garage with all the equipment we would ever need to pimp our cars :) I would also buy a husky, a fat, fluffy, lazy cat and a chinchilla :D oh and lots and lots of horses... :)
20. What was the last YouTube video you watched?
Not a beauty video sorry.
Adele - One and only :)
21. Do you have road rage?
We will not even go to that direction... :$
Not really, people that the rage is directed to do not really care if I am angry or not so why bother...
22. What is your favorite Rock 'n' Roll song?
Hotel California, The Eagles
Currently Alice Cooper - Love is a loaded gun
23. Who was your first kiss? Do you still talk to them?
I really don't want to remember and no we don't talk anymore.
We do not talk anymore.
24. If you could have one YouTuber's closet whose would it be?
Anna Saccone, I just love her simple style.
Hm, I never thought about that... I guess none :)
25. If you could have one YouTuber's makeup collection, whose would it be?
Everyones :D
Tarababyz...her make up collection videos are more than 2 hours long (that gives you an idea how much she has), also I really like the whole organization and feel of her make up room :D
26. Do you have a nickname?
Jada, my brother switched first two letters of my name when he was little and it stayed like that in my family.
Žila ... it originates from my surname, it basicaly means blood vessel.
27. What do you think is the best thing about your YouTube channel?
My YouTube channel is for my subscriptions only and to make playlists.
Nothing is the best because I only use it for watchinh videos. It exists and that is it :P
28. How many cars have you had? What were they?
I had and have only one, It's a tourquoise Kia Pride (1997) - Her name is Rozi, because she is pink if you put the color in negative. But I am also driving Honda Jazz (automatic)- her name is Jessy and my boyfriends Audi A3, which is blue such an awesome color and his name is Nemo Smurff :P
Only one, my parents Fiat grande punto.
29. What's your favorite pizza?
4 cheese pizza or calzone :)
Anything that has no meat and lots of veggies and cheese :)
Kia Pride :D |
30. If you could only have 1 lipstick for the rest of your life which lipstick
would you choose?
Essence - 07 Natural Beauty
The same, it is not my favourite lipstick but it is the most versitile in my oppinion :)
We hope you liked this tag, we tag everyone.
If you do this tag, please leave the link in the comments.
Have a lovely day!
Ajda & Tjaša