ponedeljek, 29. maj 2017

Turning 25

Hi lovelies,

I came back from the dead. Haha jokes aside.
The reasons for the lack of posts since January are that my personal life went from happiest girl ever to a miserable overly emotional bitch.
My relationship ended after 7 years, but looking it back, I am grateful for every moment we spent together and we stayed good friends. But now it is time to write some new pages in my love book.

When I finally picked up myself and wanted to start writing posts, my phone died. 
So if you know me, you probably know that I use my phone for blog pictures. It was in repair for more than a month. But hey, now it is back and I have a lot of posts coming. 

Anyways, today I turned 25. I am not particularly in love with that number haha.
But hey lets hope it will be a great year.

I will try to make the most out of it, that's why I decided to write down this 25 this I would like to accomplish in my 25th year on Earth.

1. Be happy, even when everything is not going as planned.
2. Go to the Nürburgring!
3. Go shopping in London.
4. Visit the most car shows/meets as possible.
5. Take more time for family and friends.
6. Try to eat more healthy...less junk food!
7. Exercise more.
8. Post every week at least once,
9. Drink less coffee!
10. Keep the handbag clean for a change.
11. Go to the ZOO after 5 years.
12. A road trip to a place I haven't visited yet,
13. Spend less money on things I don't really need.
14. Find a job!
15. Try to learn German again.
16. Go somewhere for few days, since I haven't been on vacation for a few years.
17. Write more comments on other blogs.
18. Stop being lazy!
19. Watch less TLC haha.
20. Clean out the closet.
21. Spend 5 more minutes each day for my skincare.
22. Get a new piercing.
23. Get a first tattoo.
24. Be a better person.
25. Go with the flow! :)

Hope you haven't given up on me yet. 
If you are still following my blog, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I promise I will make it up to you.

Keep smiling! :)


6 komentarjev:

  1. Oh škoda za vaju z Aljažem, pravijo da je sedmica usodna za veliko parov. Drugače pa vse najboljše in dobrodošla nazaj, ter veliko uspehov z novimi objavami ;)*

    1. Se zgodi, ko enkrat ne gre več je boljše tako žal :/ Pa hvala ti! :)

  2. Kar nekaj stvari iz tvojega seznama je tudi na najinem ;) Upam, da ti bo uspelo vse obkljukat! Pa lep pozdrav :)

  3. Vse najboljše in na čim boljše leto :)
