ponedeljek, 3. november 2014

Show & Tell: Essence gel nails at home

Hello lovelies :)
How are you? We have a bit of a different post today. Sometimes I have a product that I want to talk about, but do not want to write a review on, and this is how I thought of this new little gem called Show & Tell. It is really quite simple. I show you the product and tell you something about it. It is more of a 'my experience with this product' kind of a thingy. I would really like to know your thoughts and experiences with the products I will talk about in this segment :D Today I want to talk to you about the Essence gel nails at home.

 We got a normal and french peel off gel on the Essence & Catrice event and since I was curious about gel nails I decided this is the sign that I also need to get a UV light and finally experience some gel nails. I got the mini UV Lamp from Muller (it was 22,99e I think) and started experimenting.  I read the instructions on the box and was a bit shocked when I read that you only need to cure your nails for 10 seconds. I decided that I will cure my first nail for a minute, because 10 seconds seemed a bit too short for me. After a minute the gel was still sticky and I was getting a bit annoyed. Surely by now it would be set right? Well it was, I missed the part of instructions where it said that you need to clean your nails with the Essence 2in1 primer&cleanser after they are cured, since there is a sticky resedue on the nails. So I did that and I was surprized to see that I did quite a good job for a first timer. There were no bubbles or peeling of  and I was really happy with the result. I tried it on the second nail, this time for only 10 seconds, and prayed that 10 seconds is enough for the gel to set. It was! As I finished with all of my nails I was really pleased with the results. I did experiment some more in the following days and I started to notice some things that I did not notice the first time.

Aldough I distributed the gel evenly on my nails and sealed my tips the gel still shrinked a bit when I cured it, which annoyed me quite a bit. This was more visible when I applied a thicker coat, but it happened no matter how thick or thin I applied the gel. Also if I apply it too thin it peels of imediately which is annoying. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but applying gel is no rocket science (aldough it is not the easiest thing in the world eather). Because it shrunk it did not cover my tips, which started chipping after a while, it was not a good look I tell you...

Aldough I still like this product I am not entirely pleased with the end results. This would be perfect if it would not shrink, because it does last quite some time and it is not as hard to remove as other gels.

Did you try gel nails? Do you have any tips or tricks for me when it comes to using these products? Maybe I am missing something :P
Have a nice day ;)
Tjaša ;)

5 komentarjev:

  1. Jaz sem zaenkrat sprobavala gel, le na umetnih nohtih kjer se je lepo prijelo, brez luščenja. No ja edino to me je zmotilo da se je nekje kar največja plast naredila čeprav si namazal enakomerno potem pa kot da bi noht odsekal, konec gela, in se ful vidi da ni enakomerno :)
    Je pa res da na plastičnih nohtih malo drugače reagira in se tudi kruši ne..

  2. Jaz imam še staro lučko, ampak nisem preveč navdušena nad gel nohti. Poleg tega, da mi skrči manikiro, se mi zna s katerega nohta cel lak odluščiti. Poleg tega pa nisem glih za manikure, ki bi trajale večno, ker rada menjujem. :D

  3. Ninnie: na umetne naj bi se lepše prijelo, sem pa ugotovila da je to odvisno od debeline plasti gela. To da se je gel neenakomerno razporedil se je tudi meni naredilo nekajkrat, pa nisem našla razloga zakaj bi se to naredilo.

    Taya: Jaz tudi ne po pravici povedano, raje menjujem barvo vsak dan, ampak če ni časa in vem da bodo morali moji nohti zdržati par dni potem se mi zdi to dobra alternativa. Če se mi seveda posreči da gel izgleda kot se spodobi ...

  4. O ja, je pa nova formula definitivno boljša od stare. Če delaš EKSTRA hitro, je tudi ful boljše. Ali pa če ne delaš hitro počakaš minutko in popraviš kar se je razlilo in je OK.
    Samo damn.... Za bazo so super, top coat pa ponavadi uporabim kar kakšen drugi. :P

  5. Sem slišala da je bila stara formula polom. Če jih uporabljam za bazo so čudoviti, ampak jaz bi jih raje uporabljala kot top coat :P
