petek, 21. avgust 2015

REVIEW: Catrice Shine Appeal Fluid Lipstick - 060 Marry Berry & 110 Best Seller, Truth Teller

Hello lovelies :D
Today I asked you on the social media, what is the product you want to see reviewed first, from my big 'to review' pile. The big majority of you wanted to see a review of the new Catrice Shine Appeal liquid lipsticks that came put about a month ago. There is a wide range of mostly nude, pinky and a berry shade in the whole collection. Today I want to share with you my thoughts on a lovely nude called 110 Best Seller, Truth Teller and a soft berry colour called 060 Marry Berry.

The lipsticks come in a transparent packaging with the black lid. The liquid in the packaging is in the shape of a lipstick, which I think is a really nice touch. The packaging is overall quite sturdy, I experienced no breaking or leaking of product, which is definetly a big plus since I always like to have lipsticks in my pocket, so I can reapply on the spot. The doefoot applicator is a bit different than your usuall applicator. It is thin, really flexible and distributes the product nicely. When you pull it out of the packaging it has just the perfect amount of lipstick on it, so there is no need to dip into the lipstick continuousli while applying the product.

Both of the colours are really high shine, in my oppinion they are more like highly pigmented glosses than liquid lipsticks. They glide nicely on the lips and surprizingly feel a bit hidrating. Although they are really shiny they do not feel goopy, sticky or heavy. I think those are perfect for people that have chapped lips a lot, since the shine definetly makes chapped lips look better. Because of the glossy formula these do not last long on the lips. The shine starts to disappear after around 2 hours and I got at best 4 hours of wear out of them. For me that is not such a big problem when I wear 110 Best Seller, Truth Teller, since it is a nude colour and can be applied with less precission than 060 Marry Berry, which definetly needs to be applied with precision. None of the colours survive a meal and they stain cups and glass, 110 Best Seller, Truth Teller is a nude brownish shade that definetly looks warm on my lips and 060 Marry Berry is a warm berry shade.

So it is all well and good, at least when it comes to 110 Best Seller, Truth Teller , but 060 Marry Berry is a bit of a different tale. All of the above still applies, so it is pigmented, nice to wear, lasts about 4 hours, but it is a very high maintenance colour. I was quite shocked to find out that it bleeds into the lines around lips. That never happened to me before and I was especially sad because I love this colour really really much. Applying less product on the lips does ease the bleading a bit but it is a shame because this lipstick is at its best when applied opaque.

All in all I can recommend 110 Best Seller, Truth Teller to somebody that likes high shine nude lipsticks, but I can not recommend 060 Marry Berry, because it is like a bad boyfriend: freaking beautifull but it treats you like crap for no reason. I love dark plum and berry colours, but I think they are sadly not ideal colours to be put in a high gloss liquid lipstick formula format.

Did you try any of the new Catrice Shine Appeal lipsticks? Do you plan on getting any?
Thank you for reading ;D
Have a nice day :)
Tjaša :)

10 komentarjev:

  1. hehe, sinonim fanta mi je všeč :D super slike, so pa glosi zrcalno sijoči- lepo.

    1. Jaz na srečo nisem imela z nobenim fantom takih izkušenj, je bilo pa to prvo kar mi je prišlo na misel ko sem razmišljala kako bi opisala šminko. Zelo zelo se svetijo

  2. Po navadi vedno segam po temnih barvah. Sam pri te kolekciji so mi nudes vlko lepše :)

    1. Meni nje od temnih všeč samo Merry Berry, nude bi se pa gotovo našel še kakšen všečen odtenek :D

  3. Meni so zelo "boring" te šminke :D ker dobesedno zgledajo kot glosi, ne pa tekoče šminke :P

    1. Meni se ne zdi nič narobe da so glossy. Na trgu je trenutno toliko izbire kar se tiče make upa da se za vsako stvar ki je ne maraš najde vsaj ena ki ti je kul, tako da ni konec sveta če ti nekaj ni všeč. Ime tekoča šminka je itak bolj tako... se mi zdi da so se meje med izdelki za ustnice začele zelo zabrisovati s prihodom takih izdelkov. Jaz štejem pod tekočo šminko če je v tekočem stanju in je zelo pigmentirana (ne glede na finiš). Če je manj pigmentirano, tekoče in shiny potem je gloss. Osebno imam sicer raje matt šminke kar se tiče finiša, ampak se mi zdi da glossy finiš izgleda predvsem mladostno in je zelo dobra zadeva za takrat ko se ti mudi ali pa bi rada zakrila razpokane ustnice. Meni so taki izdelki trenutno fini, ker ne nosim toliko make upa in se non stop učim, tako da tak finish dejansko doda nekaj življenja mojemu obrazu... če bi nosila moje preljube matt šminke bi izgledala kot pretepena izsušena sliva. Bi pa tudi jaz sicer raje videla da bi vem prišli še z matt verzijami, sploh za jesen in zimo ker se mi zdi da glossi izdelki sezonsko bolj pašejo v poletje in pomlad.

  4. Joj meni se zdita karnekaj in sem res vesela, da ju nisem vzela!

    1. Meni sta vredu, je pa res da ne bom kupila več barv ker imam dovolj glossy stvari za ustnice :D
