sreda, 19. avgust 2015

REVIEW: Catrice Defining Blush - 045 Lilactric

Hello lovelies :)
I think that by now It is a wide known fact that many of us like the Catrice defining blushes. They have a nice range of colours with a nice formula. Allaround nice drugstore blishes with great longevity on the cheeks :) After Catrica announced their new products, that hit the drugstores recently, I could not wait to get my hands on the new colour called Lilactric, which looks really unique. Not that I need any new blushes, but I did not have a colour like this in my stash untill now,and that is enough of a reason to get it, right?

The blush comes in a standard packaging. Transparent square plastic packaging with round edges. There is written 'defining blush' on the lid with gold letters and 'Catrice' with black letters. At the back of the packaging there is a sticker with the name of the shade and some basic information about the product. There is 5g/0.17oz. of product.

I had a few issues with this blush in the first cuple applications, because it did not want to show up as much on the skin. Once I rubbed off the first layer of the product the blush appeared much more vibrant and opaque on my cheeks (a fluffier brush also helped), but it was far of the beautifull colour that you can see in the pan. I think it would look beautifull on fair skin tones, but my skin is currently a bit warmer and darker than it is in winter, so it looks more like a light warm pink on my cheeks. I love to use it with darker eye looks, because it gives some colour but is not overpowering and it does not clash with the eye look. It just perks up the skin a bit. I think that it will look much more true to colour on my skin, once we are deep in the winter months and I will loose some of my current warm skin colour. 
As for the formula it is a bit more dry than other Catrice defining blushes and it does form a bit of a hard pan at the beginning, but once you break that hard layer it is quite opaque. It blends nicely, applies nicely, does not fade or appear patchy. I can still see it at the end of the day so the longevity is definetly there, at least on my cheeks.

All in all I think that the shade is really pretty, I am just kinda sad that it does not look on my cheeks like it does in the pan. If you are more fair and enjoy colours like that I think this blush is for you. You can get it in any drugstore that has Catrice for 3,79 €.

Did you try this shade or any other from the Catrice defining blushes line?
Thank you for readinh :D
Have a nice day :)
Tjaša :D

10 komentarjev:

  1. Sama imam 3 odtenke in so mi super :) Sem drugače zelo bled človek haha tako da potrebujem res rahel nanos, ker če ne pride do prevelikega kontrasta, ki pa je meni malo moteč. Drugače pa tudi na mojem obrazu zdrži cel dan :)

    1. Res so super odtenki :) mene edino malce embalaža moti, ker ni najbolj vzdržljiva in ne prenaša dobro padcev. Sam produkt pa se mi zdi zelo kvaliteten.

  2. Pinkerbell odtenek izgleda super! Se zna zgoditi, da se bo znašel vmoji nakupovalni košarici. :) (Tamara)

    1. Žal je Pinkerbell ravno letos odšel iz prodaje :/ je pa mogoče da bodo v prihodnosti dodali kakšno podobno barvo, ker se je že dogajalo da so določeno barvo umaknili iz prodaje in jo nato spet začeli prodajati.

    2. Ajoj :/ Potem moram pa spremljati, če bodo prišli ven s kakšnimi podobni odtenkom :) Hvala za povratno informacijo :)

  3. Že dolgo imam doma Pinkerbell in ker ne maram roza blushev, nikoli nisem razumela hype okrog teh rdečil. Pred kratkim sem našla nek peach odtenek znižan in zdaj razumem. Zelo poceni dobri mat blushi. Sta se mi pa ta nova svetla odtenka zdela celo presvetla zame :).

    1. Zelo poceni dobri mat blushi, točno tako :) novi odtenki so kar svetli, ampak jaz sem si vseeno vzela enega ker me je zanimalo kako se bo poznal na moji koži. Se mi pa zdi da je zaradi svetle barve formula malce bolj suha in je potrebno priti čez začetno plast da se res prikaže prava pigmentacija.

  4. Pinkerbell - rabim v svojem življenju ASAP! :)

  5. So ga pa žal ravno letos dali iz prodaje. Lahko pa pogledam če so kakšne podobne barve blushev kje drugje in ti sporočim:)

  6. Obožujem njihove blushe. Res so zelo dobri, moj najljubši odtenek pa je Pink feat. Coral, ti novi pa me nekak ne pritegnejo, so mi presvetli. :)
