Hey, lovelies!
Today i would like to share my Sleek collection. I've been a fan of Sleek makeup since 2009, when their eyeshadows became avalible on some online stores in Slovenia. I fell in love with the packaging, pigmentation, many selections of colors, finishes...The quality is just amazing and they are not that expensive.
Pout Paint
I bought those Pout Paints because they were suposse to be dupes for OCC Lip Tars. They are pigmented as hell, tiny little drop is enough to cover your lips. I apply them with a lip brush or sometimes with fingers. The finish is creamy but can be matt if you dab it with a tissue.
Colors from L to R: Cloud 9, Peek-a-bloo and Milkshake
This is just a mix i made with all 3 colors.
Pout Polish
These are basiclly tinted lip balms/lip glosses in a pot. With SPF 15 i love using them during summer time. They smell like caramel yummines, they have a glossy finish and i apply them with fingers or a lip brush.
Colors from L to R: Sugar May (Avoir La Peche collection) and Bare Minimum
(the swatches are unfortunatelly switched)
Sheer Cover lipstick
These lipsticks come in a pink metalic oval tube. The packaging gets rubbed if you carry it in a bag, but oh well they are still pretty. All of the colors from this collection are shimmery, but they don't have huge chunks of glitters in them. They are creamy and won't dry out your lips.
Colors from L to R: Organza and Calico
Flick it eyeliner
This one is in the shade Dazzle Black. I bought it since i was on a hunt for a new felt tip liner and this one was 30 or 50% off at the time. I am really sorry to admit that this is the only Sleek product that i hate. :( It really is a tragedy, all of the products are soo good, but this is just crap- It has a nice tip but that's it. It's dry, not very black and it scratches my eyelids.
Maximum Impact eyeshadow (Nude)
This was a gift with purchase, so i don't really know when these were avalible. But it is really nice quality, not as pigmented as the eyeshadows in palettes but it's good.
I-Divine Eyeshadow palettes
I won't say much here, because i am planning to write a seperate post about te palettes. They are freaking amazing!
Oh so special
Primer Palette
Monaco (Mediterranean collection)
Glory (2012 Olympiocs collection)
Ultra brights matte V1
Bad Girl
Face Form (Light)
This is a must for everyone that likes to contour their face. It comes in i think 4 or 5 different shades, so you can find the right one for yourself. You can read my review here.
Be Beautiful Blemish Balm (Fair)
I will post a review of this BB cream next week so keep your eye on that ;) It's the lightest BB cream that i've found so far and it's pretty amazing with great coverage and SPF 15 :D

Those were my firs really good blushes. Before that none of mine was pigmented enough. But those are like butter and they also blend like heaven.
Colors from L to R: Rose Gold and Pomegranet
Blush by 3
Same quality as the single blushes, but more convinient for traveling since you can have 3 different blushes in one palette.
Pink Sprint
Colors from L to R: Pinktini (matt), Pink Ice (matt), Pink Parfait (matt)
Sweet Cheeks (Candy collection)
Colors from L to R: Cupcake (cream), Dolly Mix (matt), Candy Floss (shimmery)
Colors from L to R: Chantilly (matt), Guipure (shimmery), Crochet (matt)
GLO Face & Body Highlighter
This is suposed to be higlighter/bronzer, but i've never used it for that, i ussed it for eyeshadow and sometimes as a light blush, you have to be carefull, since is super pigmented.
I am sorry for loads of pictures D
In Slovenia you can buy Sleek products on: ZaPikoNaI (they are closing the store, so be quick, since the products are so cheep), Ličila.si, Moja Drogerija and Click2Chic.
All of you can also buy Sleek on their official site, they ship worldwide: Sleek Makeup.
Have you tried anything from Sleek? Is there anything i don't have from them, but you think i should try?
Have an awesome day!
Sam upam lahko da bom mela kdaj tako kolekcijo *-*
OdgovoriIzbrišiPride z leti ;) Haha ne resno :D Js sm skoraj 5 let nabirala :D Pa me čaka še dolga pot :D Pa žal se starih LE paletk ne da več dobiti :( Ful si želim Circus pa Good Girl
IzbrišiLeeeeepa zbirka! :D Sleek čisto zasvoji, jaz mam že preveč paletk, pa bi še skoraj vsako novo mela … :D Da ne govorim o blushih!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBB krema mi je pa top, ampak mi vsakič izbruh mozoljev povzroči. :(
Hvala, ja res te zasvoji :D Ko sm prvič z Ličil.si naročila Primer in Original paletki, sm rekla samo: Shut up and thake my money! :D I sold my soul for Sleek :D Saj paletk in blushev(o ne njih pa res nikoli) ni nikoli preveč :D Blushi so res najljubši izmed vseh 60+ kar jih imam :D
IzbrišiBB krema meni res odgovarja, ker je tako svetla, edino poleti, ko je res vroče, se topim kljub primerju in fixatorju in imam potem bele kapljice nad ustnico xD Oh well SPF pač :D Škoda da ti mozolje povzroča :'(
WoW, hudo velika zbirka. Ko si mi povedala število se niti ni slišalo veliko.. do slik! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiMediteranska paletka, Golden rose blush in še par stvari mi je padlo v oči. o.O
Sicer pa na meni Sleek zadeve ne zdržijo (senčke) :( Kar je full shame, ker imajo res lepe zadeve.
Hvala :D Haha pa saj ni toliko slik :P Mediteranka ima res par takih senčk notri, ki jih drugje še nisem vidla :D Rose Gold blush je pa obvezen v vsaki zbirki ;)
IzbrišiMeni nikoli niso šimraste senčke zdržale (hooded eyes+mastne veke), od ka rimam pa Avon primer se mi pa nič več ne premakne :D