Hello lovelies :D
Essence recently came out with their new collection called Nauty Girl, that just screams summer to me. I must say that the whole collection looks quite appealing, but I decided to take just this one nail polish to start with. 
The nail polish comes in a square glass packaging with a white plastic lid. The packaging sturdy and would probably survive a fall, aldough throwing your nail polish to the ground is not advisable. There is 11ml/0.37fl.oz, which is a bit more than normal. The square lid feels nicely in the hands and the nail polish application is quite easy, thanks to the flat, straight cut, fluffy brush.
There are total of four nail polish colours in the collection (nude, red and two blues). 02 oh capitan, my capitan is a medium blue colour with creamy formula. It is almost opaque in one thicker coat or two thinner coats, the finish is on the glossier side, but it fades a bit with wear. It dries quickly on the nails and it lasted for about 2 days on my nails without any top coat, after that it did not chip, but it did start to rubb of my nail tips.
All in all I am really happy with this nail polish. I kinda wish all their nail polishes would come in square bottles, because they are soo easy to store :D
Did you get anything from the Nauti Girl collection?
Thank you for reading :D
Have a nice day :D
Tjaša :D
Meni je ta odtenek top! :) Sem nabavla še oranžkasto šminko, blush in pa nalepke za nohte :) summer vibes are on! :)
Oranžno šminko sem tudi sama že imela v rokah, pa sem se na koncu odločila, da imam dovolj oranžnih šmink :D
IzbrišiUuu lep lakec :) Na splošno mi je od kolekcije všeč dizajn, še posebej pa embalaža od lakcev in šmink :D Pa blush seveda je ful lep odtenek :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiEmbalaža je tudi mene zelo pritegnila :D
IzbrišiUuuuuuuuuuu, hud! :-O :-D